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By Alex Allan on 11/08/23 | Top tips

How can diet and lifestyle changes improve PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a multifaceted hormonal disorder which affects a significant number of women globally. It comes with a whole host of symptoms which can hugely impact a woman's wellbeing, such as irregular periods, mood fluctuations, unwanted hair growth, acne, weight changes, and fertility challenges.

However, the use Functional Medicine (FM) can help. Rather than focussing on solving individual symptoms, FM works on trying to find the underlying root causes and interconnectedness of various factors.

Central to the FM philosophy is understanding that every person is unique, with different genetic makeup, lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and stress levels. A skilled FM practitioner begins by taking a thorough medical history and may conduct specialised tests to gain insights into a client's hormone levels, nutrient status, and potential inflammatory markers.

One of the key areas explored within FM is the impact of diet and lifestyle on hormonal balance. Recommendations for diet changes may include adopting a nutrient-dense, whole-foods-based approach while reducing the consumption of inflammatory substances like refined sugars and unhealthy fats.

Physical activity, exercise, and stress management techniques are also integral parts of a comprehensive plan, aiming to improve insulin sensitivity and overall hormone balance.

Additionally, stress can have huge effects on hormonal regulation, making relaxation techniques and sufficient restorative sleep essential parts of a woman’s journey towards better health.

The use of supplements may be considered, as they can complement the approach to hormonal balance. However, the hallmark of FM – and what we practice here at PCOS Clinics - lies in a personalised touch – each plan is thoughtfully tailored to address the specific needs and circumstances of the individual.

It is essential to acknowledge that the healing journey in FM is not instantaneous; rather, it is a collaborative process that is based on commitment, patience, and trust. The ultimate goal is to empower you with knowledge and understanding of your health, enabling you to make informed choices and sustainably improve your overall wellbeing beyond managing PCOS symptoms.

If this resonates with you, why don’t you get in touch for a free call? We’d love to chat to you about what’s going on for you right now, what you’ve tried so far, and we can give you some simple tips to get you feeling better. Click here to book a call.

By Alex Allan on 11/08/23 | Top tips

What is PCOS?

What connects celebrities Daisy Ridley, Victoria Beckham, Jools Oliver, and Emma Thompson? They have all publicly shared their battles with the hormonal disorder Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

PCOS affects one in five women in the UK and the number is rising. Its impact on a woman's self-esteem and quality of life can be utterly profound. On top of this, many cases go undiagnosed, potentially because young women with painful or irregular periods are often put on the pill which can mask the symptoms. And sometimes, it's only if challenges with fertility or recurrent miscarriages occur that the underlying condition is finally discovered.

Recognizable symptoms include:

  • Irregular or absent menstrual cycles
  • Unwanted hair growth in atypical areas (like face, chest, and back)
  • Resistance to weight loss (even among non-overweight individuals)
  • Thinning hair on the scalp
  • Oily skin and acne
  • Difficulty conceiving
  • Miscarriages

And other symptoms include fatigue, low mood, anxiety, appetite and sleep issues.

Does this sound familiar to you? What's transpiring internally?

Within your body, an excess of luteinizing hormone (LH) causes your ovaries to overproduce testosterone, a male hormone. High levels of testosterone can hinder proper follicle development, potentially leading to disrupted ovulation (which affects fertility). The surplus of testosterone might cause facial or body hair growth, hair thinning or loss on the scalp (akin to 'male pattern baldness'). 

Additionally, your body may struggle with insulin, the hormone regulating blood sugar and fat storage. Over time, cellular insulin receptors lose sensitivity, leading to higher insulin production to shuttle sugar from your bloodstream into cells for energy. Unfortunately, high insulin levels can also lead to increased testosterone production by the ovaries and hinder the liver's secretion of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), a molecule that helps control excess testosterone. Not to mention that excessive insulin leads to elevated blood sugar levels, ultimately contributing to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Who is susceptible to PCOS?

While we still don’t know the main cause, there may be a genetic component to the condition. Research indicates that PCOS may be influenced by genes, exposure to androgens (male hormones), and environmental toxins in the womb. However, a genetic predisposition to PCOS doesn't mean you're resigned to enduring its symptoms – diet and lifestyle changes can help alleviate them.

Getting a diagnosis

If you think you might have PCOS, it's best to get in touch with your GP for testing. Indicators your GP might look for include irregular or absent periods, enlarged ovaries containing fluid-filled sacs (which, despite the name, are not actual cysts), and above range androgen levels. An ultrasound scan and a blood test are typically the ideal methods for diagnosis. While insulin resistance and high luteinizing hormone levels are common, they are not mandatory for a diagnosis.

Initiating change

Given insulin's pivotal role, embarking on a low glycaemic load (GL) diet is a great starting point. The GL of foods gauges how swiftly blood glucose levels rise after consuming carbohydrates. Opting for low GL foods can enhance and balance insulin levels.

If you've been diagnosed with PCOS, we would love to invite you to schedule a free hormone health discussion with us. During our conversation, you can share your experiences and diagnosis, and together, we can chart the most suitable path forward for you. Click here to book a call.

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